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What is wheat germ and how can it benefit your health?

27 April 2020

Wheat first emerged in Anatolia 12 thousand years ago and it has been one of the most basic food sources of humanity for thousands of years. It has also provided animal nutrition and has formed the basis of animal husbandry. In addition to wheat, which has dozens of different species and each type provides different nutritional values, its embryo is very popular these days: Here's what you need to know about wheat germ.

What is wheat germ?

The germ is the center of the nucleus, where the plant sprouts and comes to life. It is located at the end of a part of the wheat grain close to the spine and spike axis and provide for a new plant to be born. The plant needs nutritional values ​​in this core until it reaches the stage where it can produce its own energy by making photosynthesis. Therefore, germ can be seen as an energy store containing various vitamins and minerals. These nutritional values ​​are also very valuable for human health.

How is wheat germ obtained?

Wheat germ constitutes only 2% or 3% of a whole wheat grain. Therefore, it is very difficult to obtain. In order to obtain wheat germ, special techniques are applied in the process of turning wheat into flour. Since the loss rate is also high during this process, only 1 kg of germ can be obtained from 1 ton of wheat.

How to consume wheat germ?

Wheat germ can be easily consumed by anyone who cares to live healthy. You can add wheat germ to your healthy salads or a bowl of yoghurt and eat however much you want.

What is the benefit of wheat germ?

Wheat germ has a very high nutritional value and has countless benefits to your health. It strengthens the nervous system thanks to its rich omega 3 fatty acids. It increases the concentration and reduces stress and anxiety levels thanks to vitamin B6 it contains. Also very useful for the immune system, germ protects cells and tissues from possible damage caused by oxidative stress. It is perfect for protecting your digestive system with its very high fiber structure. In addition, it can eliminate skin disorders caused by the deficiency of the minerals, iron and other minerals with its high mineral structure.

Eat responsibly if you have gluten intolerance

Although germ is a very useful nutrient, it may be inconvenient for those with gluten intolerance to consume it; because it contains a very high gluten value. At the same time, celiac patients need to remove their germ from their diet.

Post byPetite Gourmets

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