Recipes with Basil
Zucchini Lasagna
Indulge in a healthier version of the classic Italian dish with our Zucchini...
Chicken Riggies
This Chicken Riggies recipe is restaurant-worthy comfort food you can make...
Eggplant Caponata
Step into the world of Sicilian cuisine with this authentic Eggplant Caponata...
Easy Hamburger Soup
Discover the simplicity and heartiness of our Easy Hamburger Soup. Packed...
Homemade Baked Mostaccioli
Dive into the comforting world of Italian cuisine with our easy and delicious...
Scarpaccia (Italian Zucchini Tart)
Our step-by-step Italian Zucchini Scarpaccia recipe will guide you through...
Chicken Salad with Green Beans
Fresh, delicious, and easy to make - Enjoy a healthy twist on the classic...
Quiche with Basil and Cheese
This Quiche recipe is perfect for a healthy breakfast or a hearty dinner.
New York Style Pizza
Have you tried this iconic New York Style Pizza recipe from New York City?...
Thai Green Curry Chicken
Prepare this easy Thai Green Curry Chicken recipe with chicken meat, coconut...
Eggplant Parmesan (Parmigiana)
A great Italian classic: Eggplant Parmesan! You will feel the flavor of...
Cauliflower Pizza
Cauliflower Pizza is a keto, gluten-free and low-carb recipe that is made...